Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Weigh To Go: Week 1 Recap, Week 2 Plan

Well, last week was a good week.  So far this week, not so much.
Last week, I stuck very close to the don’t eat fast food, only eat food I cooked at home plan.  There was a lot of leftovers consumed in very portioned sizes.  The only caving per se came in the form of taquitos from Quick Trip and a late Friday night run to Taco Bell.  Yes, I know, bad.  Those pale in comparison to this week.  I did do some walking too.  I walked to Bible Study on Thursday, and then I walked to my cousin’s house Friday evening.  Not super strenuous exercise, but it was hot and I worked up a good sweat. 
So far this week, bad. Bad.  Let’s see, Saturday night was the beginning.  I ate a very light lunch while I was helping fill silo on the farm (which was epic, by the way), then a decent supper before heading back to the city.  Where I went off the rails was the pit stop at McDonald’s.  I’m not going to do the calorie count like I did last time I did a weight loss journal entry (which was during the holidays, which is just not right), but suffice to say that a McChicken, a Bacon and Cheese Angus Snack Wrap, a large strawberry shake, and a large Sprite weren’t in the diet plan.  Sunday wasn’t much better.  I went to a Royals game with some pals from school.  The tailgating wasn’t bad.  A few Coors Light cans, a couple cookies, and some chips and dip, but Applebee’s afterwards was my downfall.  Not only did I consume a hefty portion of the appetizer sampler, but also an entire plate of Cajun Shrimp pasta and a side of cheesy corn (with bacon).  Bad.  Miserably so.  Did I mention that I started house/dog-sitting on Saturday?  Yeah, the whole don’t-want-to-cook-so-as-to-not-have-to-clean-up-someone-else’s-house-and-dishes aspect was coming in strong.  So yesterday I hit up Quizno’s for lunch (large Turkey Bacon Guacamole) and Subway for supper (footlong Buffalo Chicken with bacon).  Not horrible, but still pretty bad.  Today isn’t looking so hot either, as I’ve just come from Planet Sub (footlong Jacked-Up Chicken).  Wow.  I haven’t had beef since Saturday.  I’ll have to remedy that.  Tonight is P&W practice, which means Taco Bell.  I’ll try to motivate myself and put here that I need to get a three taco meal Fresco style (about as healthy as you can eat at the TB). 
The plan for the rest of the week is to back off the huge portioned meals, or maybe get a footlong and only eat six inches at a time (and yes, that might be…wss).  Also, there’s an elliptical at my cousin’s place.  I need to get on that.  Literally.  I also have some house cleaning to do at my apartment, which means I might take the dog for a walk tomorrow.  We’ll see.  But exercise.  Must do. 
Suitable that this is what the dietician is talking about this week.  She’s going through identifiers like why we do or don’t exercise and why we eat when we eat.  Apparently I’m an all or nothing exerciser with some self-critical tendencies about my body.  I also appear to be an emotional eater – which, for me, includes all ranges of emotions, instead of just lonely, depressed, etc. as indicated in the session today – a fast eater, and a cave to convenience.  All of these I knew, but I figure I better write them down as a matter of motivation. 
Now we’re on to meal planning which, when I’m on my normal schedule, I’m pretty good at.  I really only make one meal a week, then eat leftovers for the rest of the week.  I pretty much don’t keep sweets in the house (especially pop, and I don’t like having bad snack foods around, because they disappear quickly), but I do tend to eat more than one portion.  I need to swear off McDonalds.  That’s what it really boils down to.  How about from now until the end of this thing, I swear off McDonalds?  Yeah, let’s go with that.  Not fast food altogether, otherwise I’d fail miserably, but start with McDonalds – which just happens to be the only fast food joint that I drive by on my way home from work. 
Now on to exercise.  As mentioned last week, not having my gym at work open sucks.  Motivate.  Walk. 
Okay.  Stay tuned.  We’ll do better, won’t we my precious?

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