Monday, October 22, 2012

Presidential Debate, Round 3

I don’t really have a lot in terms of pre-debate.  Let’s just get this over with. 
This is a foreign policy debate, which normally would be a higher stakes debate, but with the economy in shambles, this is playing second fiddle.  However, I think Romney has a chance to seal the deal here…

Bob Schieffer is moderating, and this is an all parties seated debate.  I don’t like this format either. 

And here they are.  Why do they have to wear red/blue ties?  Is it because people are that stupid?

Segment 1, Question 1: Libya.  Intelligence failure, policy failure?  Unraveling in the Middle East?

R: Okay, he’s not coming out the gate well.  He’s stuttering a little.   However, he’s hitting the high points.  He totally just stole Obama’s thunder on Osama bin Laden (OBL), by congratulating him, but he said we can’t “kill our way out of this.”

O:  And now, the Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (DWS) talking points: ending the war in Iraq, setting an exit in Afghanistan.  And now he’s jumping on Libya.  He’s basically saying that he freed Libya.  What he doesn’t realize is that if they were free, they wouldn’t have attacked our embassy.  Now he’s saying Romney is untrustworthy on foreign policy – and he can’t keep direct eye contact for more than a second or two.

R:  Coordinating foreign aid, education, gender equality…”a region in tumult.” 

O:  Now he’s blaming Romney for saying Russia is our biggest geopolitical threat.  Lots of putting words in his mouth, saying his opinions are wrong, despite not being able to enact foreign policy.  Why don’t you tout your credentials?  Fail.  Oh, Romney sends mixed messages to our allies?  You’ve got to be kidding me. 

R:  Whoa.  He’s keeping eye contact.  “Attacking me is not an agenda.”  Preach.  YES YES YES.   This is great.  Oh, yes!  The flexibility with Putin comment.  Grr.  Don’t ask him questions.  It gives him a chance to talk. 

Back and forth…Romney is owning this one, Obama is trying to cut him off.  And now Schieffer is cutting in to help Obama.

O:  Saying he’s Israel’s friend.  He sounds testy.  Oh, so you’ve figured out the plan strategy.

Segment 1, Question 2: Syria.  30,000 dead.  Should we reassess our policy…influence there?

O:  Sanctions.  Humanitarian assistance.  Touting assistance from Israel and Turkey, but saying it’s the Syrians problem.  Now he’s saying we’re not involved because we don’t know who we’re helping.  Kind of like Egypt? 

R:  Tying Syria to Iran.  Nice.  No military involvement.  He’s talking about not letting arms get into the wrong hand.  How I would love if he just made a Fast & Furious quip there.  Critical opportunity.  Now he’s tying the president to the UN, and showing that it’s been a massive fail.

O:  Oh, so we’re on a Syria question, but you want to talk about Libya.  Oh, that’s why.  Because he wants to blame Romney.  “Ghadaffi had more American blood on his hands than anyone except for Osama bin Laden.”  WHAT?!

R:  Back to Syria.  You know, on topic.  Not, “Look!  Something shiny!” 

O:  “[H]e doesn’t have different ideas.”  Yet, you still want to knock him on them.  So, basically, you’re knocking your own policy? 

BS:  Regrets about how things transpired in Egypt?

O:  Touting democratically elected government.  Oh, you mean the one run by the Muslim Brotherhood?  Oh…the “red line for us” quip.  That was sly.  Try to tie yourself to Benjamin Netanyahu.  Fail.  How about you worry about the people at home and our economy before you worry about Egypt’s?!   I’m so bored with this man.  “We’ve neglected building our economy…education…”  Or you’ve wrecked them?  Ever think of that?

R:  Basically has the same opinion as Obama.  Who wants to bet that Obama says something to the effect of “Nuh-uh”?  Now he’s propping up a future without war, but saying that we’ve got to be strong – at home.  Bring it back to the economy, as a foreign policy issue.  Now prop up the military, and talk about how spending cuts hurt our strength.  Allies. 

Segment 2, Question 1:  What is America’s role in the world?

R:  Defend freedom, human rights, free enterprise…elections…  “In order to fulfill our role in the world, America must be strong.”  Oh, yeah.  Now he’s talking about how awful the economy is, saying that it’s imperative for it to be strong for us to lead.  Now he’s saying he won’t cut the military budget, and that backing Israel is paramount.  Oh, nice.  He’s hitting Obama for silence pertaining to the Iranian protestors.

O:  Ending the war.  Oh, “alliances that have been neglected for a decade”.  Why don’t you just hold up a picture of Bush, point to it and say, “He did it!”  Now he’s just hitting the DWS talking points to talk up the economy.  Now he’s on to energy and deficit.  And naturally, he’s on to making the wealthy pay more.  I’m so bored with this man.  Have I mentioned this?  Oh, he just called out Bush and Cheney by name.

R:  “I’ve got a policy for the future, and an agenda for the future…What we’ve seen over the last four years is not what I want to see over the next four.”  Now he’s on to the 5-point plan.  Kind of beating a dead horse, but at least he has a plan.  Knock the teacher’s unions.  Yes.   Says we’re becoming Greece, if we don’t get the deficit under control.  Like I was saying earlier, this is a foreign policy debate, but it’s the economy, stupid.

O:  Blah, blah, blah.  DWS talking points.  Education.  “hire more teachers”  Yeah, so they can pay their union dues to the DNC.   Can’t.  Look.  Him.  In.  The.  Eye.  Seriously.

R:  Touting education in Massachusetts.  And Obama is cutting in. 

BS:  Defense spending.

R:  Cut the discretionary budget 5%, excluding the military.  Cut ObamaCare.  Get rid of programs we don’t have to have.  Keep Medicaid, but give it to the states.  Balanced budget in 8-10 years. 

O:  $5 trillion in tax cuts.  $2 trillion in military spending “that they’re not asking for.”  “The math simply doesn’t work.”  Says the guy who hired a treasury secretary who can’t even pay his taxes.  “keep the American people safe”

R:  Balancing budgets.  “The president hasn’t balanced a budget yet.  I look forward for a chance to do that.”  Me too.  Now he’s back to defense spending.  “I will not cut our military budget.”

O:  Wow.  You condescending [feminine product].   

Segment 3(?):  Red lines with Israel and Iran.  An attack on Israel is an attack on the US? 

O:  “Israel is a true friend...greatest ally in the region.”  “As long as I’m president of the United States, Iran won’t have a nuclear weapon.”  He’s saying their economy is in shambles.  And now he’s saying that the world will unite against Iran.  Um…pretty sure Russia will stand with them.  You know, the guys you said you’d be more flexible with after the election?

R:  Sanctions do work.  Tighten them.  Diplomatic isolation.  Indict Ackmadenijahad (or however the deuce you spell that rat’s name – and, no, I’m not taking the time to Google it). 

O:  Oh, he made it to four seconds, looking him in the eye.  So proud.  Now he’s saying that Russia and China need to participate.  Why don’t you go tell their diplomats at the UN.  Oh, wait.  You already did that.  Another fail.  He’s droning on and on.

R:  Iran sees weakness in this administration.  Totally calling him out on wanting to sit down with Chavez and his ilk, as well as his apology tour and inaction with Iranian protestors.  Now on to the “daylight between the US and Israel” comment.  “It’s essential for a president to show strength.”  Preach. 

O:  Nuh-uh.  Not true…blah, blah, blah.  “When I came into office, the world was divided.”  Oh, and you fixed that? 

R:  “We’re four years closer to a nuclear Iran.”  Oh, that was good.  Totally called him on the apology tour.

O:  But, but, but.  He’s testy.  “Who’s going to be credible to all parties involved?”  You have no credibility when Israel is involved.

BS:  Israel is sending bombers to Iran.  What do you say?

R:  Let’s not assume that scenario would play out.  We’d talk about it before it happens.  Nice.  “I see our influence receding.”  Preach. 

O:  Calling him a flip-flopper.  Again.  Broken record.  And no record to run on.  OBL reference.  I’m bored.  9/11 reference.  Says that getting OBL gave closure, and that Romney wouldn’t have done it. 

Segment (?): Afghanistan, what happens if the Afghans can’t handle it?

R:  We’re on schedule to leave in 2014.  Pakistan is important, due to their nukes.  Conditional aid to Pakistan. 

O:  End the war in Iraq, surge to Afghanistan.  Time to do nation building at home.  With what money?  You keep saying that the wars are on a credit card?  So now you’re going to put our roads and bridges on?  Your Bank of America credit card?  Now he’s on to putting veterans back to work.  How about all of the 23 million people looking for work?!

BS:  Pretty sure he just said “Obama’s bin Laden”.  Not sure if that was intentional, but I found it humorous.  Anyhoo…is it time to “divorce” Pakistan?

R:  No.  Pakistan falling apart would be dangerous, because they have nukes.  Getting OBL was the right thing to do, but we need to work with them now.  We can’t walk away, but our support to them needs to have conditions. 

BS:  What’s your position on the use of drones?

R:  He supports drone strikes.  We need to move the world away from terrorism and Islamic extremism?  “We’ve not seen the progress we need to have.” 

O:  Ugh.  I hate how he says “Pah-key-stahn”.  It annoys me.  Though, his voice in general is annoying, but that word is a particular offender.  He’s propping up the alleged alliances he’s helped forge with Tunisia, Yemen, etc. 

Segment (?):  The rise of China.  What’s the greatest national security threat?

O:  Greatest threat: terrorists.  Make  China play by the same rules.  Trade task force.  Is that like your jobs task force that hasn’t met in, like, six months? 

R:  “It’s not government that makes business successful.”  Greatest threat:  a nuclear Iran.  China:  be a partner, if they’re responsible.  They see as a weak.  “If I’m president, America will be very strong.”  “On day one, I’ll label them a currency manipulator.”

BS:  Trade war?

R:  We don’t want a trade war.  Trade imbalance.  We buy more from them than they buy from us.  Counterfeiting our goods, manipulating currency, stealing intellectual property – this can’t go on. 

O:  He shipped jobs overseas!  I bet on American workers (at least the ones that belong to unions)!  Sorry…I’m reading his mind, not quoting him.  Invest in education and clean energy technology.  How’s that worked out for you so far?  I didn’t really follow any of what he just said. 

R:  Obama said he wanted to see us driving foreign cars, he’s refuting that statement.  Obama is talking over him.  So annoying, and disrespectful.  I get that Obama is the president, but that doesn’t give him a right to be a jerk.  Government investment in companies doesn’t work.  Constant talk-over.

Back and forth. 

O:  Auto industry.  Blah, blah, blah.  Education.  How did we get here?  Back to the military spending.  Is he malfunctioning?  “After a decade…”  Again, blaming Bush.  “The same policies…”  Doesn’t he realize that the Democrats ran the show when he came into office?

R:  He wants to not go back to the policies of the last four years.  Wisconsin and Pennsylvania shout-outs.  They’re actually hold each others gaze.  I’m impressed. 

BS:  Closing statements

O:  Right into the camera.  Trying to play the humor card, but now he’s right on to blaming Romney, class warfare, and the general DWS talking points.  Broken record.  Point that finger.  Taking points from Biden.  Back to the roads and bridges.  Oh, and he’s wearing the breast cancer awareness bracelet.  Realizes his poll numbers with women is hanging in the balance.

R:  Right into the camera as well.  We have a chance for real leadership.  Re-elect him, we’ll be $20 trillion in the hole by 2016.  Jobs.  Working across the aisle.  “This nation is the hope of the earth.”  Good wrap-up.

Okay.  That was a little more civil, but Romney won.  Three in a row.  It was sort of close in some points, because there weren’t huge differences on several issues.  However, where there were disagreements on domestic policy, Romney was the clear winner.  Actually, overall, it’s obvious that Romney is the real winner.  Anyone with half a brain could see it – even someone who doesn’t really care, or isn’t biased, like me.  Continually saying that Romney is a flip-flopper is not a good strategy.  He has no record to run on. 
I’m done commentating.  This was a low-scoring “game”.
Obama 12, Romney 22

Let’s get this election over with.  More on my thoughts as to how it will pan out coming soon…  

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