Wednesday, June 26, 2013

News Flash - SCOTUS Fails Again

As for the title,
"Was that sarcasm? ... Nailed it."

I’ll preface this by just stating that I’m posting this here, because the people who read it either actually care about my opinion or are just clicking the link because I make their blood boil with my intellectual superiority.  But seriously, I’m just trying to avoid the endless drama on Facebook. 

I’ve known it ever since last year’s epic failure on their part, but the Supreme Court is lost.  It’s become just another legislative branch of the federal government that is filled with crusty politicians, placed there by biased presidents.  Granted, I had higher faith in Chief Justice John Roberts initially, because even though I didn’t always agree with his policies, I was much more in line with George W. Bush’s political ideology, and figured his choice of Roberts was well grounded.  Well, whoever did the background check or whatever on Roberts clearly didn’t see that he has spineless tendencies.  First, he ruled with the liberal justices to essentially enact ObamaCare – one of the most far reaching, clearly unconstitutional pieces of legislation to have been signed into law.  Now, he’s become just as spineless in deciding the Proposition 8 case, essentially saying the court can’t rule on morality. 

Justice Anthony Kennedy has always been the hair-trigger of the court, seemingly lacking conviction and doing whatever he wants on a given case.  He joined the liberal justices in deeming the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional.  I don’t pretend to know the ins-and-outs, if you will of the law, but what I gather by the justice department’s unwillingness to enforce the law is that it’s a pro-traditional marriage law.  In other words, it doesn’t fit the agenda of this administration.  Oh, and even Bill Clinton – the man who signed it into law – praised the court’s decision to overturn the law.  Roberts dissented on this one, but it seems too little too late. 

Really, why I’m irritated, is that the Supreme Court, and really, the courts in general, has just become a bench full of legislators.  Presidents Obama and Clinton stacked the court with affirmative action installments who would execute his leftist agenda when given the opportunity.  Presidents Bush (both 41 and 43) and Reagan put justices there that he deemed constitutionalists.  Now, they’ve just become political hacks.  Thomas and Alito remain the most level headed, with Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan the left’s activists on the bench.   Legislation from the bench is not what the founders had in mind.  It was a system of checks and balances, but clearly that’s not the Court’s mantra these days.  As with ObamaCare, they don’t look to the Constitution anymore, but seemingly to the public’s (read: the media’s) perception of them.   

None of this is surprising.  The whole notion of gay marriage becoming accepted is somewhat moot.  The media will continue to show that polls show the majority of Americans favor gay marriage or that acceptance of gays is on the rise.  Quite frankly, these polls are malarkey.  I know of very, very few people who actually hate gay people, but those individuals are so close-minded that they pretty much hate everyone.  However, those of us who oppose gay marriage are labeled as “haters”, “bigots”, “homophobes”, “breeders”, etc.  So glad that these kinds of disagreements always end in childish name calling.  Look, I believe what the Bible says, that man and woman are meant for each other.  That doesn’t mean that if you disagree with me that you’re a bad person, but it doesn’t make me anti-gay.  I honestly couldn’t care less who you love, and I don’t necessarily think that there should be laws that stand in the way of legal benefits of the life you share together.  However, the definition of marriage, as I see it, is sacred.  It’s a union that, if done correctly, is truly blessed by God.  Which is to say, it’s a decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly, and if done, should last for life.  The divorce rate is astronomical, and it’s not right.  But just because heterosexuals have fallen away from what God intended for marriage, doesn’t mean that homosexuals should be given the right to redefine the word to suit them. 

And honestly, like immigration, the left doesn’t care about gay rights.  It’s just a means to an end.  The way I see it is that somewhere between 3-7% - depending on what poll you’re reading (MSNBC probably thinks it’s more like 37%) – of the population is actually gay.  The strategy of the left is two-fold.  1) Paint the right as anti-gay and malign them in the media, and 2) win over the potential gay voter by promising the moon, but delivering a lump of coal.  Oh, sure, they may make legislative or judicial victories from time to time, but nothing real ever changes.  They claim that gay marriage is akin to the civil rights movement of the 60s.  It’s not.  1) Gay marriage isn’t a right.  And 2) the civil rights movement in the 60s was vehemently opposed by Democrats/leftists.  The moral of that story is, when the left is for something, it’s not for the good of the country. 

I could go on and on and on about how lame the Court’s ruling was today.  I could go on and on and on about how I disagree with the notion of gay marriage.  I could go on and on and on about how I don’t think you’re evil if you’re gay.  But the fact of the matter is, those who agree with me will either say they agree or kowtow to social pressure and say that they aren’t the ones to judge (or some menial excuse like that, instead of standing on pricinple); and those who disagree with me will (continue to) label me as a ““hater”, “bigot”, “homophobe”, “breeder”, etc.  Which is how I know I’m winning the argument.  When one side starts calling the other names, it means the recipient of said name-calling is winning.  Too bad there aren’t five Justices being called names by the “tolerant” left, but not surprising.  

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