Monday, January 10, 2011

Inagural Rant

So, for my inaugural rant, I must start off by saying that I (or is it we – my personalities and I?) wish the best to Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ).  Please keep her and her family – as well as the other victims and their families – in your prayers.
Now for the rant.
As soon as I heard what had happened on Saturday, I knew it would get politicized.  And it didn’t take long.  First it was the usual suspects.  Gun control advocates were spouting off about the suspect having access to guns when a safe world with the right legislation wouldn’t have let him commit such an atrocity.  In fact, Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) wasted no time pushing for legislation that would ban the very guns the suspect used.  Next it was the typical, right-wingers-are-dangerous crowd – the same crowd that came out of the woodwork after the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995.  The sad thing is; these are also the idiots that think that terrorists should have Constitutional rights.
Then who do they blame?  Sarah Palin.  Yes, take a second.  Breathe.  Think about it.  Try to contemplate it, yet again.  Yeah, still nothing right? 
Okay, let’s suspend complete belief for a second and try to dig deeply into what could have possibly been a nuanced undertone from Palin that might have suggested violence toward Congresswoman Giffords.  Go ahead; mill Palin’s speeches for such undertones or suggestions.  You’ll never find even a hint that suggests violence.  However, as Rush Limbaugh so brilliantly pointed out; it’s not our job to defend Palin or the Tea Party against the arrows shot at them by the blowhards in the mainstream media.  Such defense give their accusations traction to their ridiculous allegations and puts those of a sane mind on defense.  Now, I don’t need marching orders from Limbaugh to see just how ludicrous the idea that Palin or the Tea Party – or conservatism, anti-illegal immigration sentiment, or pro-gun feelings – are responsible for what happened in Tucson.  Guns are not responsible for taking the life of a 9-year-old girl and five others, the young man who held the firearm is responsible. 
Clearly, this young man is disturbed.  There is nothing natural about being able to take the life of a 9-year-old girl and apparently feel no remorse.   I may be among the few that thinks that while he may be deranged, he should probably still face the death penalty.   
The whole thing, much like the shootings at Ft. Hood, has been politicized by the mainstream media to fit a template.  The template being that the Tea Party, Sarah Palin, anti-government feelings, anti-immigrant opinions, and guns drove this young man to target a Democratic congresswoman.   Anything that paints Palin and the Tea Party in unflattering light helps send quivers up the legs of linguini-spined liberals who truly fear the change in tide this country is experiencing.  What they don’t realize is that the course that the Tea Party and Palin is exactly the opposite of the tragedy that ensued in Tucson.
All I can say is bring it on.  Any idiots who want to play this game of throwing mud at groups who truly fear for the direction that liberalism has steered this country can throw all they got, but they’ll get nowhere.  The actions of an unaffiliated madman can’t be attributed to any group – regardless of ideology.  The media will do their part to satisfy their liberal puppeteers, but the truth is so blatantly obvious that their work is in vain.
Pray that Congresswoman Giffords makes a full recovery and can put this issue to rest.  May God have mercy on the soul of this young man, but may justice be fully carried out.  Until then, pray for the victims and their families. 

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