Wednesday, April 27, 2011

It's About Time!

So does this mean that we can finally put this birth certificate stuff behind us?  Do I believe that it’s real or fake?  It doesn’t really matter, does it?  Logic says that it’s real, but anything involving a liberal tends to defy logic, so it wouldn’t surprise me to find out years down the road that it’s a fake.  However, that’s not the point.  The point is, we should have moved on from this issue a long time ago.  Are there legitimate questions concerning President Obama’s citizenship?  Probably, but they’re not something you can base a campaign against him on.  The only lingering question I have is why now?  Why wait three years to release this thing?  As much as I generally loathe both men for their media whoredom, I would think even less of Obama (which is truly saying something) if he finally released this because of the fuss Donald Trump has been making about it. 
The fact of the matter is, even if all the conspiracy theorists out there were right about his lack of proper documentation (undocumented President, anyone?), the media is in the can for Obama, and will dismiss the notion as kooky if it’s ever questioned.  Any potential Republican candidate has a goldmine of material to run against Obama on.  For instance:
·         The public upheaval over ObamaCare
·         The epic failure of the stimulus
·         The unprecedented growth of government in his first term
·         The total lack of leadership when it comes to Libya (not to mention his total lack of foreign policy credentials)
·          His administration’s efforts to restrict free speech (Fairness Doctrine, internet regulation, etc)
·         Politicizing tragedies (Congresswoman Giffords’ shooting, Fort Hood shooting, etc)
·         The czars
·         Gas prices. Do I really need to elaborate on that one?  For the sake of time, reader fatigue, and the fact that expletaives would probably be used, I won’t. 
These are just the tip of the iceberg with Obama.  Republicans would do well to not spend time on the birth certificate the way Trump has.  And seriously, does anyone actually think that guy is legitimate?  There’s no way anyone can take him seriously.  If he even makes it to the Republican primary, I’ll think less of the Republican Party.  Let’s run a serious candidate who can knock this cartoon character in the Oval Office out of the park.  Oh, I’m sorry, was that violent rhetoric?  Tough [feces].  Let’s move on from the birther controversy and focus on policy – because that is where a true conservative would have a field day with Obama. 

1 comment:

  1. I heard something on KMBZ this morning about how "Obama's huge package wasn't stimulating." or something equally amusing and inappropriate.

    And, call me the conspiracy theorist, but he has a lot riding on the fact he is legally documented. I honestly think he got scared that Trump had the time and the money to put into it, that he was going to actually find something detrimental. So he coughed up the birth certificate to get him off his tail. Trump has nothing to lose by being "proven wrong" and I think that's what scares Obama.
